2015 Potager is Underway

Charlie has been working on the garden off and on for the past few weeks.

Annually Charlie top dresses each bed with compost from our compost pile near the edge of our property.
Annually Charlie top dresses each bed with compost from our compost pile near the edge of our property.

Although it’s still early in the season here in Maryland we are past our last frost date.

Last year's free starts.
Last year’s free starts.

Last year he planted loads of (free) bunching onions around the tomato plants.

Last year's bunching onions are ready for the big time this year.
Last year’s bunching onions (tall green stalks) are ready for the big time this year.

Last year’s tomatoes are gone but the onions are getting ready to blossom.

The onion tops look a little lazy after the replanting but I'm (fairly) sure the bulb will develop and give us some tasty onions.
The onion tops look a little lazy after the replanting but I’m (fairly) sure the bulb will develop and give us some tasty onions.

Charlie divided them and replanted each one separately.

The leeks have plumped up nicely over the winter.
The leeks have plumped up nicely over the winter.

The leeks from last year are also doing well.

Charlie marks sixteen 1' by 1' squares in the soil of each 4' by 4 ' frame.
Charlie marks sixteen 1′ by 1′ squares in the soil of each 4′ by 4 ‘ frame.

In the various squares are cucumbers and French green beans.

Metal mesh fencing covers the newly planted squares.
Metal mesh fencing covers the newly planted squares.

Charlie covers the squares with salvaged fencing to keep the birds from having their way with the new shoots. Birds like to snap them off near the soil soon after they emerge.

These old windows are useful in the garden as a sort of temporary cold frame.
These old windows are useful in the garden as a sort of temporary cold frame.

In order to keep these early seeds warms he also covers them with old windows we bought at a yard sale.

The Potager at The Glade - Spring, 2015
The Potager at The Glade – Spring, 2015

Perhaps this reiteration of the garden every spring is boring but it’s our small attempt at both healthy eating and a useful hobby. (Like we don’t already have enough “hobbies”.)

Do you plant a garden? Veg? Flowers?

Author: Jo

Welcome to The Glade, where the second generation of renovations has just begun and the mania about our home, music and other passions fill our days and nights. We’re Charlie and Jo in the music world; Mary Jo and Charles to family; and JoJo and Charlie to each other. We are renovating a midcentury house in a Victorian historic district where we want to live there the rest of our lives. It's a 1946 house located in Maryland. We were married in this house. Thus far (pre-blog) we refinished cabinets, added a window seat (still working on the cushion), rearranged a wall in the guest house due to sink/vanity replacement, planted a vegetable garden, and other quick and not-so-quick fixes. So this latest zeal for construction is the result of my having lived here since 1997 and feeling a need to ready the house for the next chapter and beyond.

7 thoughts on “2015 Potager is Underway”

  1. Eric always plants a small veggie garden. It’s so fun to cook and eat what you grow yourself! You are ahead of us — gotta plant soon!

  2. i wish we had a yard where we could have a garden and grow vegetables. i try tomatoes every year but they never do well and still have green fruit by the time the fall/frost hits. meh. love your gardens! the green windows are so cool looking.

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