What I Need Part 1: The Kitchen

As you know, I moved to this house in 1997 at which time I stated I would not cook in the kitchen until it was remodeled. Well, you know that was just a load of hot air and I have cooked many meals and created many parties from my kitchen BUT . . .

Let’s take a short tour through my kitchen. When I moved in it looked like this except all the appliances (stove, dishwasher and fridge) were yellow. That thing above the stove is some kind of electric oven which I never used even once.

Original Kitchen

The design on the Formica countertop was stained, faded and worn.  The vinyl flooring was nailed down in places.

Then two years ago I needed the faucet replaced and my buddy who replaced it said, “You need a new countertop.” I told him I was eventually going to remodel and it would have to keep until then. He said, “If you’re not remodeling in the next six months you better get a new countertop because this one is falling apart and the sink will drop out of it.” Argh!

New Faucet

So, I got a new countertop. My boyfriend (now husband, let’s just call him Charlie) and I refinished the entirely wood cabinets. But the whole kitchen project never really got finished.

Cabinets Before
Cabinets After


Base Cabinets Refinished


I papered the room with kitcheny wallpaper.



Next, my former boyfriend, now husband  Charlie pulled up the old floor which was held down with millions thousands hundreds of screws. That’s right, SCREWS! In most cases the head broke off so now the shafts remain sticking out of the floor. Oh why, oh why can’t anything be easy??!!


So folks, I need a NEW KITCHEN. I earned it, I need it, I want it. And I’m pretty sure I’m gonna get it. (If you know what I mean.)

Author: Jo

Welcome to The Glade, where the second generation of renovations has just begun and the mania about our home, music and other passions fill our days and nights. We’re Charlie and Jo in the music world; Mary Jo and Charles to family; and JoJo and Charlie to each other. We are renovating a midcentury house in a Victorian historic district where we want to live there the rest of our lives. It's a 1946 house located in Maryland. We were married in this house. Thus far (pre-blog) we refinished cabinets, added a window seat (still working on the cushion), rearranged a wall in the guest house due to sink/vanity replacement, planted a vegetable garden, and other quick and not-so-quick fixes. So this latest zeal for construction is the result of my having lived here since 1997 and feeling a need to ready the house for the next chapter and beyond.

2 thoughts on “What I Need Part 1: The Kitchen”

  1. Yes, I see the trouble. It is a bit tiny. I would think the only way to enlarge the room would be to enclose the outside ‘terrace’ to somehow lengthen the kitchen and widen the dining room. Of course, then the project would also be to rearrange the appliances since the kitchen would then take on a completely diffent angle. Can’t really picture it, but it sounded good to suggest?!? Good luck with it. Did want to comment on the appearance of the new cabinets. They look really great, and refinishing solid wood is quite a feat, to say the least.

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